Interface SchemaFormatterFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
CanonicalSchemaFormatterFactory, IdlSchemaFormatterFactory, JsonSchemaFormatterFactory

public interface SchemaFormatterFactory
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for SchemaFormatter.

Notes to implementers:

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • formatName

      default String formatName()
      Return the name of the format this formatter factory supports.

      The default implementation returns the lowercase prefix of the implementing class if it is named <format>SchemaFormatterFactory. That is, if the implementing class is named some.package.JsonSchemaFormatterFactory, it returns: "json"

      the name of the format
    • getDefaultFormatter

      SchemaFormatter getDefaultFormatter()
      Get the default formatter for this schema format. Instances should be thread-safe, as they may be cached.

      Implementations should either return the only formatter for this format, or call getFormatterForVariant(String) with the default variant and implement that method as well.

      the default formatter for this schema format
    • getFormatterForVariant

      default SchemaFormatter getFormatterForVariant(String variantName)
      Get a formatter for the specified schema format variant, if multiple variants are supported. Instances should be thread-safe, as they may be cached.
      variantName - the name of the format variant (lower case), if specified
      if the factory supports the format, a schema writer; null otherwise