Class IdlFile


public class IdlFile extends Object
A parsed IdlFile. Provides access to the named schemas in the IDL file and the protocol containing the schemas.
  • Method Details

    • getMainSchema

      public Schema getMainSchema()
      The (main) schema defined by the IDL file.
    • getProtocol

      public Protocol getProtocol()
      The protocol defined by the IDL file.
    • getWarnings

      public List<String> getWarnings()
    • getWarnings

      public List<String> getWarnings(String importFile)
    • getNamedSchemas

      public Map<String,Schema> getNamedSchemas()
      The named schemas defined by the IDL file, mapped by their full name.
    • getNamedSchema

      public Schema getNamedSchema(String name)
      Get a named schema defined by the IDL file, by name. The name can be a simple name in the default namespace of the IDL file (e.g., the namespace of the protocol), or a full name.
      name - the full name of the schema, or a simple name
      the schema, or null if it does not exist