Class IdlSchemaParser

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IdlSchemaParser extends Object implements FormattedSchemaParser
  • Constructor Details

    • IdlSchemaParser

      public IdlSchemaParser()
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public Schema parse(ParseContext parseContext, URI baseUri, CharSequence formattedSchema) throws IOException, SchemaParseException
      Description copied from interface: FormattedSchemaParser

      Parse schema definitions from a text based source.

      Notes for implementers:

      • Schema definitions are expected not to be in the format the parser expects. So when the input clearly doesn't make sense (e.g., reading "/**" when expecting JSON), it is a good idea not to do anything (especially calling methods on the @code ParseContext}).
      • The parameter parseContext is not thread-safe.
      • All named schema definitions that are parsed should be added to the provided ParseContext.
      • Optionally, you may return a "main" schema. Some schema definitions have one, for example the schema defined by the root of the JSON document in a standard schema definition. If unsure, return null.
      • If parsing fails, throw a SchemaParseException. This will let the parsing process recover and continue.
      • Throwing anything other than a SchemaParseException will abort the parsing process, so reserve that for rethrowing exceptions.
      Specified by:
      parse in interface FormattedSchemaParser
      parseContext - the current parse context: all named schemata that are parsed should be added here, otherwise resolving schemata can fail; contains all previously known types
      baseUri - the base location of the schema, or null if not known
      formattedSchema - the text of the schema definition(s) to parse
      the main schema, if any
      IOException - when the schema cannot be read
      SchemaParseException - when the schema cannot be parsed