Interface Parser.ActionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonDecoder, JsonEncoder, ParsingDecoder, ResolvingDecoder, ValidatingDecoder, ValidatingEncoder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Parser.ActionHandler
The parser knows how to handle the terminal and non-terminal symbols. But it needs help from outside to handle implicit and explicit actions. The clients implement this interface to provide this help.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
    Handle the action symbol top when the input is sought to be taken off the stack.
  • Method Details

    • doAction

      Symbol doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top) throws IOException
      Handle the action symbol top when the input is sought to be taken off the stack.
      input - The input symbol from the caller of advance
      top - The symbol at the top the stack.
      null if advance() is to continue processing the stack. If not null the return value will be returned by advance().