Interface Tool

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryFragmentToJsonTool, CatTool, ConcatTool, CreateRandomFileTool, DataFileGetMetaTool, DataFileGetSchemaTool, DataFileReadTool, DataFileRepairTool, DataFileWriteTool, FromTextTool, IdlTool, IdlToSchemataTool, InduceSchemaTool, JsonToBinaryFragmentTool, RecodecTool, RecordCountTool, RpcProtocolTool, RpcReceiveTool, RpcSendTool, SchemaFingerprintTool, SchemaNormalizationTool, SpecificCompilerTool, TetherTool, ToTextTool, ToTrevniTool, TrevniCreateRandomTool, TrevniMetadataTool, TrevniToJsonTool

public interface Tool
Command-line "avro-tools" utilities should implement this interface for delegation by Main.
  • Method Details

    • run

      int run(InputStream in, PrintStream out, PrintStream err, List<String> args) throws Exception
      Runs the tool with supplied arguments. Input and output streams are customizable for easier testing.
      in - Input stream to read data (typically
      out - Output of tool (typically System.out).
      err - Error stream (typically System.err).
      args - Non-null list of arguments.
      result code (0 for success)
      Exception - Just like main(), tools may throw Exception.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Name of tool, to be used in listings.
    • getShortDescription

      String getShortDescription()
      1-line description to be used in command listings.