Package org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce
package org.apache.trevni.avro.mapreduce
for Trevni files.AnOutputFormat
that writes Avro data to Trevni files.Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Trenvi container file.Writes Trevni records to an Trevni container file output stream.AnInputFormat
for Trevni files.AnOutputFormat
that writes Avro data to Trevni files.Reads Trevni generic records from an Trevni container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'.Writes key/value pairs to an Trevni container file.AvroTrevniRecordReaderBase<K,V, T> Abstract base class forRecordReader
s that read Trevni container files.AvroTrevniRecordWriterBase<K,V, T> Abstract base class forRecordWriter
s that writes Trevni container files.