Cavro::codec_traits< T > | Codec_traits tells avro how to encode and decode an object of given type |
Cavro::codec_traits< avro::null > | Codec_traits for Avro null |
Cavro::codec_traits< bool > | Codec_traits for Avro boolean |
Cavro::codec_traits< double > | Codec_traits for Avro double |
Cavro::codec_traits< float > | Codec_traits for Avro float |
Cavro::codec_traits< GenericDatum > | Specialization of codec_traits for GenericDatum |
Cavro::codec_traits< int32_t > | Codec_traits for Avro int |
Cavro::codec_traits< int64_t > | Codec_traits for Avro long |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::array< uint8_t, N > > | Codec_traits for Avro fixed |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::conditional< avro::is_not_defined< bool_codec_traits >::value, std::vector< bool >::const_reference, void >::type > | |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::map< std::string, T > > | Codec_traits for Avro maps |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::pair< ValidSchema, GenericDatum > > | Specialization of codec_traits for Generic datum along with its schema |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::string > | Codec_traits for Avro string |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::vector< T > > | Codec_traits for Avro arrays |
Cavro::codec_traits< std::vector< uint8_t > > | Codec_traits for Avro bytes |
▼Cavro::Decoder | Decoder is an interface implemented by every decoder capable of decoding Avro data |
Cavro::ResolvingDecoder | ResolvingDecoder is derived from Decoder, with an additional function to obtain the field ordering of fiedls within a record |
Cavro::Encoder | The abstract base class for all Avro encoders |
▼Cfalse_type | |
Cavro::is_promotable< T > | |
Cavro::is_serializable< T > | Define an is_serializable trait for types we can serialize natively |
▼Cavro::GenericContainer | The base class for all generic type for containers |
Cavro::GenericArray | The generic container for Avro arrays |
Cavro::GenericEnum | Generic container for Avro enum |
Cavro::GenericFixed | Generic container for Avro fixed |
Cavro::GenericMap | The generic container for Avro maps |
Cavro::GenericRecord | The generic container for Avro records |
Cavro::GenericUnion | Generic container for unions |
Cavro::GenericDatum | Generic datum which can hold any Avro type |
Cavro::is_defined< T > | Check if a T is a complete type i.e |
Cavro::is_not_defined< T > | Similar to is_defined, but used to check if T is not defined |
Cavro::LogicalType | |
Cavro::concepts::MultiAttribute< Attribute > | |
Cavro::Name | |
Cavro::concepts::NameIndexConcept< T > | |
Cavro::concepts::NameIndexConcept< LeafNamesConcept > | |
Cavro::concepts::NameIndexConcept< MultiAttribute< std::string > > | |
Cavro::concepts::NoAttribute< Attribute > | |
▼Cnoncopyable | |
Cavro::DataFileReader< T > | Reads the contents of data file one after another |
Cavro::DataFileReaderBase | The type independent portion of rader |
Cavro::DataFileWriter< T > | An Avro datafile that can store objects of type T |
Cavro::DataFileWriterBase | Type-independent portion of DataFileWriter |
Cavro::GenericReader | A utility class to read generic datum from decoders |
Cavro::GenericWriter | A utility class to write generic datum to encoders |
▼Cavro::InputStream | A no-copy input stream |
Cavro::SeekableInputStream | An InputStream which also supports seeking to a specific offset |
▼Cavro::Layout | |
Cavro::CompoundLayout | |
Cavro::PrimitiveLayout | |
▼Cavro::Node | Node is the building block for parse trees |
▼Cavro::NodeImpl< NameConcept, LeavesConcept, LeafNamesConcept, SizeConcept > | Implementation details for Node |
Cavro::NodeArray | |
Cavro::NodeEnum | |
Cavro::NodeFixed | |
Cavro::NodeMap | |
Cavro::NodePrimitive | |
Cavro::NodeRecord | |
Cavro::NodeSymbolic | |
Cavro::NodeUnion | |
Cavro::NullValidator | |
Cavro::OutputStream | A no-copy output stream |
Cavro::Parser< Reader > | Class that wraps a reader or ValidatingReade with an interface that uses explicit get* names instead of getValue |
Cavro::ReaderImpl< ValidatorType > | Parses from an avro encoding to the requested type |
Cavro::Resolver | |
Cavro::ResolvingReader | |
Cavro::Serializer< Writer > | Class that wraps a Writer or ValidatingWriter with an interface that uses explicit write* names instead of writeValue |
Cavro::Validator | This class is used by both the ValidatingSerializer and ValidationParser objects |
Cavro::WriterImpl< ValidatorType > | Class for writing avro data to a stream |
Cavro::ReaderImpl< NullValidator > | |
Cavro::WriterImpl< NullValidator > | |
Cavro::Null | Define a type to identify Null in template functions |
Cavro::ResolverSchema | |
▼Cruntime_error | |
Cavro::Exception | Wrapper for std::runtime_error that provides convenience constructor for boost::format objects |
▼Cavro::Schema | The root Schema object is a base class. Nobody constructs this class directly |
Cavro::ArraySchema | |
Cavro::BoolSchema | |
Cavro::BytesSchema | |
Cavro::DoubleSchema | |
Cavro::EnumSchema | |
Cavro::FixedSchema | |
Cavro::FloatSchema | |
Cavro::IntSchema | |
Cavro::LongSchema | |
Cavro::MapSchema | |
Cavro::NullSchema | |
Cavro::RecordSchema | |
Cavro::StringSchema | |
Cavro::SymbolicSchema | |
Cavro::UnionSchema | |
Cavro::concepts::SingleAttribute< Attribute > | |
Cavro::concepts::SingleAttribute< std::string > | |
Cavro::StreamReader | A convenience class for reading from an InputStream |
Cavro::StreamWriter | A convinience class to write data into an OutputStream |
Cavro::type_to_avro< T > | |
Cavro::ValidSchema | A ValidSchema is basically a non-mutable Schema that has passed some minumum of sanity checks |