- Use https://whimsy.apache.org you can check that you got added to the PMC list properly
- Validate you are in the PMC group in JIRA and the Confluence Wiki
- Subscribe to private@avro.apache.org; you can use whimsy to do this for whatever email account you want, or send mail from that mail address to private-subscribe@
- You should have access also to https://reporter.apache.org which seeds our board reports
- You can now access and read the private list archive (for linking to vote threads, etc) at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?private@avro.apache.org
- Review the ASF PMC guides. There are a few, but you should re-read what the responsibilities are.
- The PMC keeps a set of valuable resources in https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/pmc
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