Package org.apache.avro.mapred

Run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data, with map and reduce functions written in Java.


Class Summary
AvroAsTextInputFormat An InputFormat for Avro data files, which converts each datum to string form in the input key.
AvroCollector<T> A collector for map and reduce output.
AvroInputFormat<T> An InputFormat for Avro data files
AvroJob Setters to configure jobs for Avro data.
AvroKey<T> The wrapper of keys for jobs configured with AvroJob .
AvroKeyComparator<T> The RawComparator used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
AvroMapper<IN,OUT> A mapper for Avro data.
AvroOutputFormat<T> An OutputFormat for Avro data files.
AvroRecordReader<T> An RecordReader for Avro data files.
AvroReducer<K,V,OUT> A reducer for Avro data.
AvroSerialization<T> The Serialization used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
AvroUtf8InputFormat An InputFormat for text files.
AvroValue<T> The wrapper of values for jobs configured with AvroJob .
AvroWrapper<T> The wrapper of data for jobs configured with AvroJob .
FsInput Adapt an FSDataInputStream to SeekableInput.
Pair<K,V> A key/value pair.
SequenceFileInputFormat<K,V> An InputFormat for sequence files.
SequenceFileReader<K,V> A FileReader for sequence files.
SequenceFileRecordReader<K,V> A RecordReader for sequence files.

Package org.apache.avro.mapred Description

Run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data, with map and reduce functions written in Java.

Avro data files do not contain key/value pairs as expected by Hadoop's MapReduce API, but rather just a sequence of values. Thus we provide here a layer on top of Hadoop's MapReduce API.

In all cases, input and output paths are set and jobs are submitted as with standard Hadoop jobs:

For jobs whose input and output are Avro data files:

For jobs whose input is an Avro data file and which use an AvroMapper, but whose reducer is a non-Avro Reducer and whose output is a non-Avro format:

For jobs whose input is non-Avro data file and which use a non-Avro Mapper, but whose reducer is an AvroReducer and whose output is an Avro data file:

For jobs whose input is non-Avro data file and which use a non-Avro Mapper and no reducer, i.e., a map-only job:

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