Public Member Functions | Properties

Avro::Generic::DatumReader-g< T > Interface Template Reference

Inheritance diagram for Avro::Generic::DatumReader-g< T >:
Avro::Generic::GenericReader< T > Avro::Specific::SpecificReader-g< T >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Read (T reuse, Decoder decoder)
 Read a datum. Traverse the schema, depth-first, reading all leaf values in the schema into a datum that is returned. If the provided datum is non-null it may be reused and returned.


Schema ReaderSchema [get]
Schema WriterSchema [get]

interface Avro::Generic::DatumReader-g< T >

Member Function Documentation

template<T >
T Avro::Generic::DatumReader-g< T >::Read ( reuse,
Decoder  decoder 

Read a datum. Traverse the schema, depth-first, reading all leaf values in the schema into a datum that is returned. If the provided datum is non-null it may be reused and returned.

Implemented in Avro::Generic::GenericReader< T >, and Avro::Specific::SpecificReader-g< T >.

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