All Classes and Interfaces

Base for Avro Compiler Mojos.
Returns items by their position (numeric index) in an array
Adds the given name and space as an alias to the schema.
An InputFormat for Avro data files, which converts each datum to string form in the input key.
Compares Avro string data (data with schema "string").
A collector for map and reduce output.
Read files written with AvroColumnWriter.
Parameters for reading an Avro column file.
Write Avro records to a Trevni column file.
Converts a Java object into an Avro datum.
Constructs converters that turn objects (usually from the output of a MR job) into Avro data that can be serialized.
Converts AvroWrappers into their wrapped Avro data.
Converts BooleanWritables into Booleans.
Converts BytesWritables into ByteBuffers.
Converts ByteWritables into GenericFixed of size 1.
Converts DoubleWritables into Doubles.
Converts FloatWritables into Floats.
Converts IntWritables into Ints.
Converts LongWritables into Longs.
Converts NullWritables into Nulls.
Converts Text into CharSequences.
Specifies a default value for a field as a JSON string.
Deserializes AvroWrapper objects within Hadoop.
Sets the avrodoc for this java field.
Expert: Fields with this annotation are encoded using the given custom encoder.
Indicates that an annotated class is an Avro generated class.
Component that sets up a gRPC client for Avro's IDL and Serialization.
Provides components to set up a gRPC Server for Avro's IDL and serialization.
Utility methods for using Avro IDL and serialization with gRPC.
Marks a field as transient.
An InputFormat for Avro data files.
An InputStream backed by Avro RPC request/response that can drained to aOutputStream.
An OutputStream that writes to a target OutputStream and provides total number of bytes written to it.
Setters to configure jobs for Avro data.
Utility methods for configuring jobs that work with Avro.
The wrapper of keys for jobs configured with AvroJob .
The RawComparator used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
The RawComparator used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
Deserializes AvroKey objects within Hadoop.
A MapReduce InputFormat that can handle Avro container files.
FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files.
A factory for creating record writers.
Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Avro container file.
Writes Avro records to an Avro container file output stream.
A helper object for working with the Avro generic records that are used to store key/value pairs in an Avro container file.
A wrapper for iterators over GenericRecords that are known to be KeyValue records.
A MapReduce InputFormat that reads from Avro container files of key/value generic records.
FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files of key/value pairs.
Reads Avro generic records from an Avro container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'.
Writes key/value pairs to an Avro container file.
A mapper for Avro data.
Adds the given key:Value pair as metadata into the schema, at the corresponding node.
Avro exception in case of missing fields.
This class supports Avro-MapReduce jobs that have multiple input paths with a different Schema and AvroMapper for each path.
The AvroMultipleOutputs class simplifies writing Avro output data to multiple outputs
The AvroMultipleOutputs class simplifies writing Avro output data to multiple outputs
Sets the avroname for this java field.
An OutputFormat for Avro data files.
Abstract base class for output formats that write Avro container files.
An RecordReader for Avro data files.
Abstract base class for RecordReaders that read Avro container files.
A reducer for Avro data.
Base class for exceptions thrown to client by server.
Marshaller for Avro RPC request.
Marshaller for Avro RPC response.
Base Avro exception.
Declares that a Java type should have a specified Avro schema, overriding the normally inferred schema.
A wrapper around a Hadoop SequenceFile that also supports reading and writing Avro data.
A reader for SequenceFiles that may contain Avro data.
A helper class to encapsulate the options that can be used to construct a Reader.
A writer for an uncompressed SequenceFile that supports Avro data.
A helper class to encapsulate the options that can be used to construct a Writer.
An input format for reading from AvroSequenceFiles (sequence files that support Avro data).
A sequence file output format that knows how to write AvroKeys and AvroValues in addition to Writables.
The Serialization used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
The Serialization used by jobs configured with AvroJob.
Serializes AvroWrapper objects within Hadoop.
The equivalent of TextOutputFormat for writing to Avro Data Files with a "bytes" schema.
An InputFormat for Trevni files.
An InputFormat for Trevni files.
An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to Trevni files.
Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Trenvi container file.
Writes Trevni records to an Trevni container file output stream.
An InputFormat for Trevni files.
An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to Trevni files.
Reads Trevni generic records from an Trevni container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'.
Writes key/value pairs to an Trevni container file.
An OutputFormat that writes Avro data to Trevni files.
Abstract base class for RecordReaders that read Trevni container files.
Abstract base class for RecordWriters that writes Trevni container files.
Thrown when an illegal type is used.
An InputFormat for text files.
The wrapper of values for jobs configured with AvroJob .
Deserializes AvroValue objects within Hadoop.
The wrapper of data for jobs configured with AvroJob .
Exception thrown by a MessageDecoder when a message header is not recognized.
Utilities for binary-encoded data.
An Decoder for binary-format data.
An abstract Encoder for Avro's binary encoding.
Converts an input file from Avro binary into JSON.
A MessageDecoder that reads a binary-encoded datum.
A MessageEncoder that adds a header and 8-byte schema fingerprint to each datum encoded as binary.
A BinaryEncoder implementation that writes large arrays and maps as a sequence of blocks.
An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding that does not buffer output.
An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding.
Utility to present ByteBuffer data as an InputStream.
Utility to collect data written to an OutputStream in ByteBuffers.
Implements bzip2 compression and decompression.
Interface for receiving asynchronous callbacks.
A Future implementation for RPCs.
Schema formatter factory that supports the "Parsing Canonical Form".
Tool to extract samples from an Avro data file.
this visitor will create a clone of the original Schema with docs and other nonessential fields stripped by default. what attributes are copied is customizable.
Interface for Avro-supported compression codecs for data files.
Encapsulates the ability to specify and configure a compression codec.
File-level metadata.
Reads data from a column file.
Writes data to a column file.
Metadata for a column.
An iterator over column values.
A combine avro keyvalue file input format that can combine small avro files into mappers.
Tool to concatenate avro files with the same schema and non-reserved metatdata.
A ConcurrentHashMap that uses soft or weak references for both keys and values.
A single map entry.
A reference to an ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Entry contained in the map.
Various reference types supported by this map.
The types of restructuring that can be performed.
Conversion between generic and logical type instances.
Creates a file filled with randomly-generated instances of a schema.
Expert: a custom encoder and decoder that writes an object directly to avro.
Constants used in data files.
Reads a data file to get its metadata.
Reads a data file to get its schema.
Random access to files written with DataFileWriter.
Read files written by Avro version 1.2.
Reads a data file and dumps to JSON
Recovers data from a corrupt Avro Data file
Streaming access to files written by DataFileWriter.
A handle that can be used to reopen a DataFile without re-reading the header of the stream.
Stores in a file a sequence of data conforming to a schema.
Thrown by DataFileWriter.append(Object) when an exception occurs while writing a datum to the buffer.
Reads new-line delimited JSON records and writers an Avro data file.
A datagram-based server implementation.
A datagram-based Transceiver implementation.
This encoder/decoder writes a java.util.Date object as a long to avro and reads a Date object from long.
Read data of a schema.
Write data of a schema.
Low-level support for de-serializing Avro values.
A factory for creating and configuring Decoders.
Implements DEFLATE (RFC1951) compression and decompression.
An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding that does not buffer output.
Low-level support for serializing Avro values.
A factory for creating and configuring Encoder instances.
Interface for error builders
Interface for reading data from a file.
Declares the size of implementations of GenericFixed.
Schema parser for a specific schema format.
Reads a text file into an Avro data file.
Array that permits reuse of contained elements.
Contains data of other types.
Utilities for generic Java data.
Default implementation of an array.
Default implementation of GenericEnumSymbol.
Default implementation of GenericFixed.
Default implementation of GenericRecord.
Used to specify the Java type for a string schema.
DatumReader for generic Java objects.
DatumWriter for generic Java objects.
An enum symbol.
Fixed-size data.
A generic instance of a record schema.
A RecordBuilder for generic records.
Requestor implementation for generic Java data.
Responder implementation for generic Java data.
Encapsulates the ability to specify and configure an avro compression codec from a given hadoop codec defined with the configuration parameter: mapred.output.compression.codec Currently there are three codecs registered by default: will map to deflate will map to snappy will map to bzip2 will map to deflate will map to zstandard
Adapt a Hadoop FSDataInputStream to Trevni's Input.
RecordBuilder for HandshakeRequest instances.
RecordBuilder for HandshakeResponse instances.
Display help information on avro-maven-plugin.
Call mvn avro:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
An HTTP-based RPC Server.
An HTTP-based Transceiver implementation.
This class provides an empty implementation of IdlListener, which can be extended to create a listener which only needs to handle a subset of the available methods.
A parsed IdlFile.
This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by IdlParser.
Generate Java classes and interfaces from AvroIDL files (.avdl)
Generate Java classes and interfaces from AvroIDL files (.avdl)
Tool implementation for generating Avro JSON schemata from idl format files.
Extract the Avro JSON schemata of the types of a protocol defined through an idl format file.
Utils for IDL
A record implementation that permits field access by integer index.
Generate Avro files (.avsc and .avpr) from Java classes or interfaces
Utility to induce a schema from a class or a protocol from an interface.
A byte source that supports positioned read and length.
An Input backed with data in a byte array.
An Input for files.
Transmit inputs to a map or reduce task sub-process.
Transmit inputs to a map or reduce task sub-process.
IPC utilities, including client and server factories.
Utilities for reading and writing arbitrary Json data in Avro format.
DatumReader for arbitrary Json data using the object model described in JsonProperties.
DatumWriter for arbitrary Json data using the object model described in JsonProperties.
A Decoder for Avro's JSON data encoding.
An Encoder for Avro's JSON data encoding.
The class that generates a grammar suitable to parse Avro data in JSON format.
Base class for objects that have JSON-valued properties.
Schema parser for JSON formatted schemata.
Tool to convert JSON data into the binary form.
Implementation of IPC that remains in process.
Selects items based on their "path" (name of a property under which they are stored) relative to the context.
Logical types provides an opt-in way to extend Avro's types.
Date represents a date without a time
Decimal represents arbitrary-precision fixed-scale decimal numbers
Duration represents a duration, consisting on months, days and milliseconds
Factory interface and SPI for logical types.
TimeMicros represents a time in microseconds without a date
TimeMillis represents a time in milliseconds without a date
TimestampMicros represents a date and time in microseconds
TimestampMillis represents a date and time in milliseconds
TimestampNanos represents a date and time in nanoseconds
Uuid represents a uuid without a time
Command-line driver.
Use org.apache.avro.util.MapEntry
An implementation of Map.Entry with well-defined member names.
Returns items by their position (string key under which they are stored) in a map
Deserializes a single datum from a ByteBuffer, byte array, or InputStream.
Base class for MessageEncoder implementations that provides default implementations for most of the DatumEncoder API.
Serializes an individual datum as a ByteBuffer or to an OutputStream.
Base class for metadata.
Exception thrown by a MessageDecoder when the message is encoded using an unknown Schema.
A Netty-based RPC Server implementation.
A Netty-based Transceiver implementation.
Creates threads with unique names based on a specified name prefix.
A ChannelFutureListener for channel write operations that notifies a Callback if an error occurs while writing to the channel.
Data structure, encoder and decoder classes for the Netty transport.
Transport protocol data structure when using Netty.
Protocol decoder which converts Netty's ChannelBuffer to NettyDataPack which contains a List<ByteBuffer> needed by Avro Responder.
Protocol encoder which converts NettyDataPack which contains the Responder's output List<ByteBuffer> to ChannelBuffer needed by Netty.
Utility to make data written to an ByteArrayOutputStream directly available as a ByteBuffer.
Declares that null is a valid value for a Java type.
Transmit outputs from a map or reduce task to parent.
Transmit outputs from a map or reduce task to parent.
A key/value pair.
Class to define a name context, useful to reference schemata with.
Parser is the class that maintains the stack for parsing.
The parser knows how to handle the terminal and non-terminal symbols.
Base class for parser-based Decoders.
Base class for parser-based Encoders.
root interface for all pieces of an AvroPath expression
a predicate is a filter that restricts items selected by a LocationStep
interface for exceptions that can trace the AvroPath of an error
Performance tests for various low level operations of Avro encoding and decoding.
filters items by their context position
Utilities for serializing Protobuf data in Avro format.
DatumReader for generated Protobuf classes.
DatumWriter for generated protobuf classes.
A set of messages forming an application protocol.
Generate Java classes and interfaces from Avro protocol files (.avpr)
Ant task to generate Java interface and classes for a protocol.
Generates schema data as Java objects with random values.
A MessageDecoder that deserializes from raw datum bytes.
A MessageEncoder that encodes only a datum's bytes, without additional information (such as a schema fingerprint).
Tool to alter the codec of an Avro data file.
Interface for record builders
Abstract base class for RecordBuilder implementations.
Counts the records in avro files or folders
Utilities to use existing Java classes and interfaces via reflection.
ReflectData implementation that permits null field values.
DatumReader for existing classes via Java reflection.
DatumWriter for existing classes via Java reflection.
A few utility methods for using @link{java.misc.Unsafe}, mostly for private use.
Uses a larger array size than ReflectFloatArrayTest.
Uses a larger array size than ReflectFloatArrayTest.
A Requestor for existing interfaces.
Responder for existing interfaces.
Base class for the client side of a protocol interaction.
Encapsulate schema-resolution logic in an easy-to-consume representation.
An abstract class for an action to be taken to resolve a writer's schema (found in public instance variable writer) against a reader's schema (in reader).
Helps us traverse faster.
Used for array and map schemas: the public instance variable elementAction contains the resolving action needed for the element type of an array or value top of a map.
In this case, there's nothing to be done for resolution: the two schemas are effectively the same.
Contains information needed to resolve enumerations.
In this case there is an error.
In this case, the writer's type needs to be promoted to the reader's.
In this case, the reader is a union and the writer is not.
Instructions for resolving two record schemas.
This only appears inside Resolver.RecordAdjust.fieldActions, i.e., the actions for adjusting the fields of a record.
In this case, the writer was a union.
Decoder that performs type-resolution between the reader's and writer's schemas.
The class that generates a resolving grammar to resolve between two schemas.
Base class for the server side of a protocol interaction.
An HttpServlet that responds to Avro RPC requests.
This class represents the context of an RPC call or RPC handshake.
An instrumentation API for RPC metadata.
Tool to grab the protocol from a remote running service.
Receives one RPC call and responds.
Sends a single RPC message.
A Server that uses for authentication and encryption.
A Transceiver that uses for authentication and encryption.
An abstract data type.
A field within a record.
How values of this field should be ordered when sorting records.
A parser for JSON-format schemas.
Useful as key of Maps when traversing two schemas at the same time and need to watch for recursion.
The type of schema.
A fluent interface for building Schema instances.
Builds an Avro Array type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
A special Builder for Record fields.
A common API for building types within a context.
Builds an Avro boolean type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro bytes type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro double type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro Enum type with optional properties, namespace, doc, and aliases.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds a Field in the context of a SchemaBuilder.FieldAssembler.
Abstract base class for field defaults.
Builds an Avro Fixed type with optional properties, namespace, doc, and aliases.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro float type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro int type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro long type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro Map type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
An abstract type that provides builder methods for configuring the name, doc, and aliases of all Avro types that have names (fields, Fixed, Record, and Enum).
An abstract type that provides builder methods for configuring the namespace for all Avro types that have namespaces (Fixed, Record, and Enum).
Builds an Avro null type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
An abstract builder for all Avro types.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
Builds an Avro string type with optional properties.
Choose whether to use a default value for the field or not.
A Builder for creating any Avro schema type.
Accumulates all of the types in a union.
Builder for a union field.
Thrown for errors building schemas.
Evaluate the compatibility between a reader schema and a writer schema.
Immutable class representing details about a particular schema pair compatibility check.
Identifies the type of a schema compatibility result.
Provides information about the compatibility of a single reader and writer schema pair.
Utility to generate fingerprint(s) from a schema.
Interface and factory to format schemas to text.
Service Provider Interface (SPI) for SchemaFormatter.
Generate Java classes from Avro schema files (.avsc)
Collection of static methods for generating the canonical form of schemas (see SchemaNormalization.toParsingForm(org.apache.avro.Schema)) -- and fingerprints of canonical forms (SchemaNormalization.fingerprint(java.lang.String, byte[])).
Utility to convert an Avro @{Schema} to its canonical form.
Thrown for errors parsing schemas and protocols.
Avro schema parser for text-based formats like JSON, IDL, etc.
Utility class to resolve schemas that are unavailable at the point they are referenced in a schema file.
This visitor checks if the current schema is fully resolved.
This visitor creates clone of the visited Schemata, minus the specified schema properties, and resolves all unresolved schemas.
Avro Schema utilities, to traverse...
Avro Schema utilities, to traverse...
Interface for classes that can provide avro schemas by fingerprint.
A map-based cache of schemas by AVRO-CRC-64 fingerprint.
Ant task to generate Java interface and classes for a protocol.
Thrown when SchemaValidator fails to validate a schema.
An interface for validating the compatibility of a single schema against another.
A SchemaValidator has one method, which validates that a Schema is compatible with the other schemas provided.
A Builder for creating SchemaValidators.
A SeekableInput backed with data in a byte array.
A FileInputStream that implements SeekableInput.
An InputStream that supports seek and tell.
An InputFormat for sequence files.
A FileReader for sequence files.
A RecordReader for sequence files.
A server listening on a port.
A parser that capable of skipping as well read and write.
The clients implement this interface to skip symbols and actions.
Implements Snappy compression and decompression.
use SaslSocketServer instead.
A SortedKeyValueFile is an indexed Avro container file of KeyValue records sorted by key.
Reads a SortedKeyValueFile by loading the key index into memory.
A class to encapsulate the options of a Reader.
Writes a SortedKeyValueFile.
A class to encapsulate the various options of a SortedKeyValueFile.Writer.
Generate specific Java interfaces and classes for protocols and schemas.
A Tool for compiling avro protocols or schemas to Java classes using the Avro SpecificCompiler.
Utilities for generated Java classes and interfaces.
Tag interface that indicates that a class has a one-argument constructor that accepts a Schema.
DatumReader for generated Java classes.
DatumWriter for generated Java classes.
Abstract base class for specific ErrorBuilder implementations.
Base class for specific exceptions.
Base class for generated fixed-sized data classes.
Implemented by generated record classes.
Base class for generated record classes.
Abstract base class for specific RecordBuilder implementations.
Requestor for generated interfaces.
Responder for generated interfaces.
Very simple servlet class capable of serving static files.
Collects count and latency statistics about RPC calls.
Exposes information provided by a StatsPlugin as a web page.
Declares that a class or field should be represented by an Avro string.
Symbol is the base of all symbols (terminals and non-terminals) of the grammar.
An implementation of Syncable which writes to a file.
Thrown to prevent making large allocations when reading potentially pathological input data from an untrusted source.
Constructs and submits tether jobs.
Utilities for serializing Thrift data in Avro format.
DatumReader for generated Thrift classes.
DatumWriter for generated thrift classes.
A temporal amount to model an Avro duration (the logical type).
Command-line "avro-tools" utilities should implement this interface for delegation by Main.
Reads an avro data file into a plain text file.
Reads an Avro data file and writes a Trevni file.
an AvroTypeException with extra fields used to trace back the path to a bad value through an object graph
a ClassCastException with extra fields used to trace back the path to a bad value through an object graph
a NullPointerException with extra fields used to trace back the path to a null value through an object graph
Base transport class used by Requestor.
Tool to create randomly populated Trevni file based on an Avro schema
Tool to print Trevni file metadata as JSON.
Base runtime exception thrown by Trevni.
Tool to read Trevni files and print them as JSON.
Declares that a Java type should be represented by an Avro union schema.
Returns items by their position (numeric index of type) in a union schema
Thrown when the expected contents of a union cannot be resolved.
A Utf8 string.
Text utilities especially suited for UTF encoded bytes.
A SchemaValidator for validating the provided schema against all schemas in the Iterable in ValidateAll.validate(Schema, Iterable).
A SchemaValidator for validating the provided schema against the first Schema in the iterable in ValidateLatest.validate(Schema, Iterable).
An implementation of Decoder that ensures that the sequence of operations conforms to a schema.
An implementation of Encoder that wraps another Encoder and ensures that the sequence of operations conforms to the provided schema.
The class that generates validating grammar.
The datatypes that may be stored in a column.
Implements a combination of WeakHashMap and IdentityHashMap.
Implements xz compression and decompression.