Class JsonProperties

Direct Known Subclasses:
Protocol, Protocol.Message, Schema, Schema.Field

public abstract class JsonProperties extends Object
Base class for objects that have JSON-valued properties. Avro and JSON values are represented in Java using the following mapping:
Avro type JSON type Java type
null null NULL_VALUE
boolean Boolean boolean
int Number int
long Number long
float Number float
double Number double
bytes String byte[]
string String String
record Object Map
enum String String
array Array Collection
map Object Map
fixed String byte[]
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final JsonProperties.Null NULL_VALUE
      A value representing a JSON null.
  • Method Details

    • getProp

      public String getProp(String name)
      Returns the value of the named, string-valued property in this schema. Returns null if there is no string-valued property with that name.
    • getObjectProp

      public Object getObjectProp(String name)
      Returns the value of the named property in this schema. Returns null if there is no property with that name.
    • getObjectProp

      public Object getObjectProp(String name, Object defaultValue)
    • addProp

      public void addProp(String name, String value)
      Adds a property with the given name name and value value. Neither name nor value can be null. It is illegal to add a property if another with the same name but different value already exists in this schema.
      name - The name of the property to add
      value - The value for the property to add
    • addProp

      public void addProp(String name, Object value)
    • putAll

      public void putAll(JsonProperties np)
    • addAllProps

      public void addAllProps(JsonProperties properties)
      Adds all the props from the specified json properties.
      See Also:
    • getObjectProps

      public Map<String,Object> getObjectProps()
      Return the defined properties as an unmodifiable Map.
    • propsContainsKey

      public boolean propsContainsKey(String key)
    • forEachProperty

      public void forEachProperty(BiConsumer<String,Object> consumer)
    • hasProps

      public boolean hasProps()