Package org.apache.avro.mapreduce
package org.apache.avro.mapreduce
ClassDescriptionUtility methods for configuring jobs that work with Avro.A MapReduce InputFormat that can handle Avro container files.FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files.A factory for creating record writers.Reads records from an input split representing a chunk of an Avro container file.Writes Avro records to an Avro container file output stream.A MapReduce InputFormat that reads from Avro container files of key/value generic records.FileOutputFormat for writing Avro container files of key/value pairs.Reads Avro generic records from an Avro container file, where the records contain two fields: 'key' and 'value'.Writes key/value pairs to an Avro container file.The AvroMultipleOutputs class simplifies writing Avro output data to multiple outputsAvroOutputFormatBase<K,
V> Abstract base class for output formats that write Avro container files.AvroRecordReaderBase<K,V, T> Abstract base class forRecordReader
s that read Avro container files.An input format for reading from AvroSequenceFiles (sequence files that support Avro data).A sequence file output format that knows how to write AvroKeys and AvroValues in addition to Writables.A combine avro keyvalue file input format that can combine small avro files into mappers.