Package org.apache.avro

package org.apache.avro
Avro kernel classes.

A Schema provides an abstract definition of a data type.

The in-memory representation of data is determined by DatumReader and DatumWriter implementations. Generic implementations are provided in the org.apache.avro.generic package. A

invalid @link
{@link <a href="../../../org/apache/avro/compiler/specific/SpecificCompiler.html" title="class in org.apache.avro.compiler.specific">
compiler} can generate specific java classes and interfaces for schemas and protocols. Schemas may be automatically generated for existing Java classes by reflection using the org.apache.avro.reflect package.

Data of a given schema is always serialized identically, regardless of its in-memory representation, by traversing the schema and writing leaf values from the data structure with a Encoder. Deserializing similarly proceeds by traversing the schema, reading leaf values with a Decoder and storing them in an in-memory data structure.