Class GenericData

  extended by org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class GenericData
extends Object

Utilities for generic Java data.

Nested Class Summary
static class GenericData.Array<T>
          Default implementation of GenericArray.
static class GenericData.Fixed
static class GenericData.Record
          Default implementation of GenericRecord.
Constructor Summary
protected GenericData()
Method Summary
 int compare(Object o1, Object o2, Schema s)
          Compare objects according to their schema.
static GenericData get()
          Return the singleton instance.
protected  Schema getRecordSchema(Object record)
          Called to obtain the schema of a record.
 Schema induce(Object datum)
          Create a schema given an example datum.
protected  boolean instanceOf(Schema schema, Object datum)
          Called by resolveUnion(Schema,Object).
protected  boolean isArray(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isBytes(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isEnum(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isFixed(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isMap(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isRecord(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
protected  boolean isString(Object datum)
          Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).
 int resolveUnion(Schema union, Object datum)
          Return the index for a datum within a union.
 String toString(Object datum)
          Renders a Java datum as JSON.
 boolean validate(Schema schema, Object datum)
          Returns true if a Java datum matches a schema.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected GenericData()
Method Detail


public static GenericData get()
Return the singleton instance.


public boolean validate(Schema schema,
                        Object datum)
Returns true if a Java datum matches a schema.


public String toString(Object datum)
Renders a Java datum as JSON.


public Schema induce(Object datum)
Create a schema given an example datum.


public int resolveUnion(Schema union,
                        Object datum)
Return the index for a datum within a union. Implemented with instanceOf(Schema,Object).


protected boolean instanceOf(Schema schema,
                             Object datum)
Called by resolveUnion(Schema,Object). May be overridden for alternate data representations.


protected boolean isArray(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected boolean isRecord(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected Schema getRecordSchema(Object record)
Called to obtain the schema of a record. By default calls {GenericRecord#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate record representations.


protected boolean isEnum(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected boolean isMap(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected boolean isFixed(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected boolean isString(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


protected boolean isBytes(Object datum)
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf(org.apache.avro.Schema, java.lang.Object).


public int compare(Object o1,
                   Object o2,
                   Schema s)
Compare objects according to their schema. If equal, return zero. If greater-than, return 1, if less than return -1. Order is consistent with that of[], int, byte[], int, Schema).

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