Class ValidatingGrammarGenerator

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
JsonGrammarGenerator, ResolvingGrammarGenerator

public class ValidatingGrammarGenerator
extends Object

The class that generates validating grammar.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Symbol generate(Schema schema)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ValidatingGrammarGenerator()
Method Detail


public Symbol generate(Schema schema)
Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.


public Symbol generate(Schema sc,
                       Map<,Symbol> seen)
Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc. If there is already an entry for the given schema in the given map seen then that entry is returned. Otherwise a new symbol is generated and an entry is inserted into the map.

sc - The schema for which the start symbol is required
seen - A map of schema to symbol mapping done so far.
The start symbol for the schema

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