Uses of Class

Packages that use RPCContext
org.apache.avro.ipc Support for inter-process calls. 

Uses of RPCContext in org.apache.avro.ipc

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc with parameters of type RPCContext
 void RPCPlugin.clientFinishConnect(RPCContext context)
          Called on the client after the initial RPC handshake
 void RPCPlugin.clientReceiveResponse(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the client after the call is executed, and after the client receives the response
 void RPCPlugin.clientSendRequest(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the client before it issues the RPC call.
 void RPCPlugin.clientStartConnect(RPCContext context)
          Called on the client before the initial RPC handshake to setup any per-session metadata for this plugin
 void RPCPlugin.serverConnecting(RPCContext context)
          Called on the server during the RPC handshake
 void RPCPlugin.serverReceiveRequest(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the RPC server when the request is received, but before the call itself is executed
 void RPCPlugin.serverSendResponse(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the server after the call is executed, but before the response is returned to the client

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