Interface ErrorBuilder<T>

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public interface ErrorBuilder<T> extends RecordBuilder<T>
Interface for error builders
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      Object getValue()
      Gets the value
    • setValue

      ErrorBuilder<T> setValue(Object value)
      Sets the value
    • hasValue

      boolean hasValue()
      Checks whether the value has been set
    • clearValue

      ErrorBuilder<T> clearValue()
      Clears the value
    • getCause

      Throwable getCause()
      Gets the error cause
    • setCause

      ErrorBuilder<T> setCause(Throwable cause)
      Sets the error cause
    • hasCause

      boolean hasCause()
      Checks whether the cause has been set
    • clearCause

      ErrorBuilder<T> clearCause()
      Clears the cause