Interface PathTracingException<T extends Throwable>

Type Parameters:
T - the regular (user-facing) exception that will be summarize(Schema)ed out of this class
All Known Implementing Classes:
TracingAvroTypeException, TracingClassCastException, TracingNullPointException

public interface PathTracingException<T extends Throwable>
interface for exceptions that can trace the AvroPath of an error
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    produces a user-facing exception to be thrown back out to user code
    appends a path element to the trace. expected to be called in reverse-order as the exception bubbles up the stack
  • Method Details

    • tracePath

      void tracePath(PathElement step)
      appends a path element to the trace. expected to be called in reverse-order as the exception bubbles up the stack
      step - an AvroPath step tracing back from the location of the original exception towards the root of the data graph
    • summarize

      T summarize(Schema root)
      produces a user-facing exception to be thrown back out to user code
      root - the root object for the operation that generated the exception
      an exception