Uses of Class

Packages that use CodecFactory
org.apache.avro.file A container file for Avro data. 

Uses of CodecFactory in org.apache.avro.file

Methods in org.apache.avro.file that return CodecFactory
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.addCodec(String name, CodecFactory c)
          Adds a new codec implementation.
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.deflateCodec(int compressionLevel)
          Deflate codec, with specific compression.
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.fromString(String s)
          Maps a codec name into a CodecOption.
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.nullCodec()
          Null codec, for no compression.

Methods in org.apache.avro.file with parameters of type CodecFactory
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.addCodec(String name, CodecFactory c)
          Adds a new codec implementation.
 DataFileWriter<D> DataFileWriter.setCodec(CodecFactory c)
          Configures this writer to use the given codec.

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