avro::detail::BufferIterator< Helper > Class Template Reference

Implements the iterator for Buffer, that iterates through the buffer's chunks. More...

#include <BufferDetailIterator.hh>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef BufferIterator< Helper > this_type

STL iterators define the following declarations.

According to boost::asio documentation, the library expects the iterator to be bidirectional, however this implements only the forward iterator type. So far this has not created any problems with asio, but may change if future versions of the asio require it.

typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
typedef Helper value_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef value_type * pointer
typedef value_type & reference

Public Member Functions

 BufferIterator ()
 Construct an unitialized iterator.
 BufferIterator (BufferImpl::ChunkList::const_iterator iter)
 Construct iterator at the position in the buffer's chunk list.
reference operator* ()
 Dereference iterator, returns InputIteratorHelper or OutputIteratorHelper wrapper.
const value_type & operator* () const
 Dereference iterator, returns const InputIteratorHelper or OutputIteratorHelper wrapper.
pointer operator-> ()
 Dereference iterator, returns InputIteratorHelper or OutputIteratorHelper wrapper.
const value_type * operator-> () const
 Dereference iterator, returns const InputIteratorHelper or OutputIteratorHelper wrapper.
this_typeoperator++ ()
 Increment to next chunk in list, or to end() iterator.
this_type operator++ (int)
 Increment to next chunk in list, or to end() iterator.
bool operator== (const this_type &rhs) const
 True if iterators point to same chunks.
bool operator!= (const this_type &rhs) const
 True if iterators point to different chunks.

Detailed Description

template<typename Helper>
class avro::detail::BufferIterator< Helper >

Implements the iterator for Buffer, that iterates through the buffer's chunks.

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Generated on Fri Oct 8 14:36:19 2010 for Avro C++ by  doxygen 1.6.3