Uses of Class

Packages that use Protocol
org.apache.avro Avro kernel classes. 
org.apache.avro.ipc Support for inter-process calls. 
org.apache.avro.mapred.tether Run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data, with map and reduce functions run in a sub-process. 
org.apache.avro.reflect Use Java reflection to generate schemas and protocols for existing classes. 
org.apache.avro.specific Generate specific Java classes for schemas and protocols. 

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro

Methods in org.apache.avro that return Protocol
static Protocol Protocol.parse(File file)
          Read a protocol from a Json file.
static Protocol Protocol.parse(String string)
          Read a protocol from a Json string.

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.compiler.idl

Methods in org.apache.avro.compiler.idl that return Protocol
 Protocol Idl.CompilationUnit()
          The input to Idl is a CompilationUnit, which is currently just a single Protocol.
 Protocol Idl.ImportIdl()
 Protocol Idl.ImportProtocol()
 Protocol Idl.ProtocolDeclaration()

Methods in org.apache.avro.compiler.idl with parameters of type Protocol
 Protocol.Message Idl.MessageDeclaration(Protocol p)
 void Idl.ProtocolBody(Protocol p)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.compiler.specific

Constructors in org.apache.avro.compiler.specific with parameters of type Protocol
SpecificCompiler(Protocol protocol)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.ipc

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc that return Protocol
 Protocol Responder.getLocal()
          Return the local protocol.
 Protocol Requestor.getLocal()
 Protocol SaslSocketTransceiver.getRemote()
static Protocol Responder.getRemote()
          Return the remote protocol.
 Protocol Transceiver.getRemote()
          Returns the protocol passed to Transceiver.setRemote(Protocol).
 Protocol NettyTransceiver.getRemote()
 Protocol SocketTransceiver.getRemote()
 Protocol Requestor.getRemote()
          Return the remote protocol.

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc with parameters of type Protocol
 void SaslSocketTransceiver.setRemote(Protocol remote)
 void Transceiver.setRemote(Protocol protocol)
          Called with the remote protocol when a handshake has been completed.
 void NettyTransceiver.setRemote(Protocol protocol)
 void SocketTransceiver.setRemote(Protocol remote)

Constructors in org.apache.avro.ipc with parameters of type Protocol
Requestor(Protocol local, Transceiver transceiver)
Responder(Protocol local)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.ipc.generic

Constructors in org.apache.avro.ipc.generic with parameters of type Protocol
GenericRequestor(Protocol protocol, Transceiver transceiver)
GenericResponder(Protocol local)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect

Constructors in org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect with parameters of type Protocol
ReflectRequestor(Protocol protocol, Transceiver transceiver)
ReflectResponder(Protocol protocol, Object impl)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.ipc.specific

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc.specific that return Protocol
static Protocol SpecificRequestor.getRemote(Object proxy)
          Return the remote protocol for a proxy.

Constructors in org.apache.avro.ipc.specific with parameters of type Protocol
SpecificRequestor(Protocol protocol, Transceiver transceiver)
SpecificResponder(Protocol protocol, Object impl)
SpecificResponder(Protocol protocol, Object impl, SpecificData data)

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.ipc.trace

Fields in org.apache.avro.ipc.trace declared as Protocol
static Protocol AvroTrace.PROTOCOL
static Protocol AvroTrace.Callback.PROTOCOL

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.mapred.tether

Fields in org.apache.avro.mapred.tether declared as Protocol
static Protocol InputProtocol.PROTOCOL
static Protocol InputProtocol.Callback.PROTOCOL
static Protocol OutputProtocol.PROTOCOL
static Protocol OutputProtocol.Callback.PROTOCOL

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.reflect

Methods in org.apache.avro.reflect that return Protocol
 Protocol ReflectData.getProtocol(Class iface)
          Return the protocol for a Java interface.

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.avro.specific

Methods in org.apache.avro.specific that return Protocol
 Protocol SpecificData.getProtocol(Class iface)
          Return the protocol for a Java interface.

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