Uses of Class

Packages that use Schema.Field
org.apache.avro Avro kernel classes. 
org.apache.avro.compiler.specific Interfaces and base classes shared by generic, specific and reflect. 
org.apache.avro.generic A generic representation for Avro data. Utilities for Encoding and Decoding Avro data. Implementation of Avro schemas as LL(1) grammars. 

Uses of Schema.Field in org.apache.avro

Methods in org.apache.avro that return Schema.Field
 Schema.Field Schema.getField(String fieldname)
          If this is a record, returns the Field with the given name fieldName.

Methods in org.apache.avro that return types with arguments of type Schema.Field
 List<Schema.Field> Schema.getFields()
          If this is a record, returns the fields in it.

Method parameters in org.apache.avro with type arguments of type Schema.Field
static Schema Schema.createRecord(List<Schema.Field> fields)
          Create an anonymous record schema.
 void Schema.setFields(List<Schema.Field> fields)
          If this is a record, set its fields.

Uses of Schema.Field in org.apache.avro.compiler.idl

Method parameters in org.apache.avro.compiler.idl with type arguments of type Schema.Field
 void Idl.FieldDeclaration(List<Schema.Field> fields)
 void Idl.FormalParameter(List<Schema.Field> fields)
 void Idl.VariableDeclarator(Schema type, List<Schema.Field> fields)

Uses of Schema.Field in org.apache.avro.compiler.specific

Methods in org.apache.avro.compiler.specific with parameters of type Schema.Field
static String SpecificCompiler.generateClearMethod(Schema schema, Schema.Field field)
          Generates the name of a field "clear" method.
static String SpecificCompiler.generateGetMethod(Schema schema, Schema.Field field)
          Generates the name of a field accessor method.
static String SpecificCompiler.generateHasMethod(Schema schema, Schema.Field field)
          Generates the name of a field "has" method.
static String SpecificCompiler.generateSetMethod(Schema schema, Schema.Field field)
          Generates the name of a field mutator method.

Uses of Schema.Field in

Fields in declared as Schema.Field
protected  Schema.Field[] RecordBuilderBase.fields

Methods in with parameters of type Schema.Field
protected  Object RecordBuilderBase.getDefaultValue(Schema.Field field)
          Gets the default value of the given field, if any.
protected static boolean RecordBuilderBase.isValidValue(Schema.Field f, Object value)
          Tests whether a value is valid for a specified field.
protected  void RecordBuilderBase.validate(Schema.Field field, Object value)
          Validates that a particular value for a given field is valid according to the following algorithm: 1.

Uses of Schema.Field in org.apache.avro.generic

Methods in org.apache.avro.generic with parameters of type Schema.Field
 GenericRecordBuilder GenericRecordBuilder.clear(Schema.Field field)
          Clears the value of the given field.
 Object GenericRecordBuilder.get(Schema.Field field)
          Gets the value of a field.
 boolean GenericRecordBuilder.has(Schema.Field field)
          Checks whether a field has been set.
 GenericRecordBuilder GenericRecordBuilder.set(Schema.Field field, Object value)
          Sets the value of a field.

Uses of Schema.Field in

Methods in that return Schema.Field
 Schema.Field[] ResolvingDecoder.readFieldOrder()
          Returns the actual order in which the reader's fields will be returned to the reader.

Uses of Schema.Field in

Fields in declared as Schema.Field
 Schema.Field[] Symbol.FieldOrderAction.fields

Constructors in with parameters of type Schema.Field
Symbol.FieldOrderAction(Schema.Field[] fields)

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