Interface IndexedRecord

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
GenericRecord, SpecificRecord
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericData.Record, HandshakeRequest, HandshakeResponse, Pair, Span, SpecificExceptionBase, SpecificRecordBase, TimestampedEvent

public interface IndexedRecord
extends GenericContainer

A record implementation that permits field access by integer index.

Method Summary
 Object get(int i)
          Return the value of a field given its position in the schema.
 void put(int i, Object v)
          Set the value of a field given its position in the schema.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.avro.generic.GenericContainer

Method Detail


void put(int i,
         Object v)
Set the value of a field given its position in the schema.

This method is not meant to be called by user code, but only by DatumReader implementations.


Object get(int i)
Return the value of a field given its position in the schema.

This method is not meant to be called by user code, but only by DatumWriter implementations.

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