Uses of Class

Packages that use BinaryEncoder Utilities for Encoding and Decoding Avro data. 

Uses of BinaryEncoder in

Subclasses of BinaryEncoder in
 class BlockingBinaryEncoder
          A BinaryEncoder implementation that writes large arrays and maps as a sequence of blocks.
 class BufferedBinaryEncoder
          An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding.
 class DirectBinaryEncoder
          An Encoder for Avro's binary encoding that does not buffer output.

Methods in that return BinaryEncoder
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.binaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.blockingBinaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.directBinaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.

Methods in with parameters of type BinaryEncoder
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.binaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.blockingBinaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.
 BinaryEncoder EncoderFactory.directBinaryEncoder(OutputStream out, BinaryEncoder reuse)
          Creates or reinitializes a BinaryEncoder with the OutputStream provided as the destination for written data.

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