Uses of Interface

Packages that use DatumWriter Interfaces and base classes shared by generic, specific and reflect. 
org.apache.avro.file A container file for Avro data. 
org.apache.avro.generic A generic representation for Avro data. 
org.apache.avro.protobuf Protocol Buffer compatibility. 
org.apache.avro.reflect Use Java reflection to generate schemas and protocols for existing classes. 
org.apache.avro.specific Generate specific Java classes for schemas and protocols. 
org.apache.avro.thrift Thrift compatibility. 

Uses of DatumWriter in

Classes in that implement DatumWriter
static class Json.Writer
          DatumWriter for arbitrary Json data.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.file

Constructors in org.apache.avro.file with parameters of type DatumWriter
DataFileWriter(DatumWriter<D> dout)
          Construct a writer, not yet open.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.generic

Classes in org.apache.avro.generic that implement DatumWriter
 class GenericDatumWriter<D>
          DatumWriter for generic Java objects.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.ipc.generic

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc.generic that return DatumWriter
protected  DatumWriter<Object> GenericResponder.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc.reflect that return DatumWriter
protected  DatumWriter<Object> ReflectResponder.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> ReflectRequestor.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.ipc.specific

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc.specific that return DatumWriter
protected  DatumWriter<Object> SpecificResponder.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> SpecificRequestor.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.protobuf

Classes in org.apache.avro.protobuf that implement DatumWriter
 class ProtobufDatumWriter<T>
          DatumWriter for generated protobuf classes.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.reflect

Classes in org.apache.avro.reflect that implement DatumWriter
 class ReflectDatumWriter<T>
          DatumWriter for existing classes via Java reflection.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.specific

Classes in org.apache.avro.specific that implement DatumWriter
 class SpecificDatumWriter<T>
          DatumWriter for generated Java classes.

Uses of DatumWriter in org.apache.avro.thrift

Classes in org.apache.avro.thrift that implement DatumWriter
 class ThriftDatumWriter<T>
          DatumWriter for generated thrift classes.

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