Interface Parser.ActionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonDecoder, JsonEncoder, ParsingDecoder, ResolvingDecoder, ValidatingDecoder, ValidatingEncoder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Parser.ActionHandler

The parser knows how to handle the terminal and non-terminal symbols. But it needs help from outside to handle implicit and explicit actions. The clients implement this interface to provide this help.

Method Summary
 Symbol doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
          Handle the action symbol top when the input is sought to be taken off the stack.

Method Detail


Symbol doAction(Symbol input,
                Symbol top)
                throws IOException
Handle the action symbol top when the input is sought to be taken off the stack.

input - The input symbol from the caller of advance
top - The symbol at the top the stack.
null if advance() is to continue processing the stack. If not null the return value will be returned by advance().

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