Class StatsPlugin

  extended by org.apache.avro.ipc.RPCPlugin
      extended by org.apache.avro.ipc.stats.StatsPlugin

public class StatsPlugin
extends RPCPlugin

Collects count and latency statistics about RPC calls. Keeps data for every method. Can be added to a Requestor (client) or Responder (server). This uses milliseconds as the standard unit of measure throughout the class, stored in floats.

Field Summary
 Date startupTime
          How long I've been alive
Constructor Summary
          Construct a plugin with default (system) ticks, and default histogram segmentation.
Method Summary
 void clientReceiveResponse(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the client after the call is executed, and after the client receives the response
 void clientSendRequest(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the client before it issues the RPC call.
 void serverReceiveRequest(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the RPC server when the request is received, but before the call itself is executed
 void serverSendResponse(RPCContext context)
          This method is invoked at the server before the response is executed, but before the response has been formulated
Methods inherited from class org.apache.avro.ipc.RPCPlugin
clientFinishConnect, clientStartConnect, serverConnecting
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Date startupTime
How long I've been alive

Constructor Detail


public StatsPlugin()
Construct a plugin with default (system) ticks, and default histogram segmentation.

Method Detail


public void serverReceiveRequest(RPCContext context)
Description copied from class: RPCPlugin
This method is invoked at the RPC server when the request is received, but before the call itself is executed

serverReceiveRequest in class RPCPlugin
context - the per-call rpc context (in/out parameter)


public void serverSendResponse(RPCContext context)
Description copied from class: RPCPlugin
This method is invoked at the server before the response is executed, but before the response has been formulated

serverSendResponse in class RPCPlugin
context - the per-call rpc context (in/out parameter)


public void clientSendRequest(RPCContext context)
Description copied from class: RPCPlugin
This method is invoked at the client before it issues the RPC call.

clientSendRequest in class RPCPlugin
context - the per-call rpc context (in/out parameter)


public void clientReceiveResponse(RPCContext context)
Description copied from class: RPCPlugin
This method is invoked at the client after the call is executed, and after the client receives the response

clientReceiveResponse in class RPCPlugin
context - the per-call rpc context

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