Package org.apache.avro.ipc.trace

Interface Summary
SpanStorage Responsible for storing spans locally and answering span queries.

Class Summary
FileSpanStorage A file-based { @link SpanStorage } implementation for Avro's { @link TracePlugin }.
InMemorySpanStorage Example implementation of SpanStorage which keeps spans in memory.
Span.Builder RecordBuilder for Span instances.
SpanAggregator Utility methods for aggregating spans together at various points of trace analysis.
SpanAggregator.SpanAggregationResults Class to store the results of span aggregation.
SpanAggregator.TraceFormationResults Class to store the results of trace formation.
StaticServlet Very simple servlet class capable of serving static files.
TimestampedEvent.Builder RecordBuilder for TimestampedEvent instances.
Trace A Trace is a tree of spans which reflects the actual call structure of a recursive RPC call tree.
TraceCollection Provides statistics and representation of a collection of Trace's which share the same execution path.
TraceNode A node of of an RPC Trace.
TracePlugin A tracing plugin for Avro.
TracePluginConfiguration Helper class for configuring Avro's TracePlugin.

Enum Summary

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