Uses of Class

Packages that use Symbol Input/output utilities. Implementation of Avro schemas as LL(1) grammars. 

Uses of Symbol in

Methods in that return Symbol
 Symbol JsonDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ResolvingDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol JsonEncoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ValidatingDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ValidatingEncoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)

Methods in with parameters of type Symbol
 Symbol JsonDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ResolvingDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol JsonEncoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ValidatingDecoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ValidatingEncoder.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)

Constructors in with parameters of type Symbol
ParsingDecoder(Symbol root)

Uses of Symbol in

Subclasses of Symbol in
static class Symbol.Alternative
static class Symbol.DefaultStartAction
static class Symbol.EnumAdjustAction
static class Symbol.EnumLabelsAction
          For JSON.
static class Symbol.ErrorAction
static class Symbol.FieldAdjustAction
static class Symbol.IntCheckAction
static class Symbol.Repeater
static class Symbol.ResolvingAction
protected static class Symbol.Root
protected static class Symbol.Sequence
static class Symbol.SkipAction
static class Symbol.UnionAdjustAction
static class Symbol.WriterUnionAction

Fields in declared as Symbol
static Symbol Symbol.ARRAY_END
static Symbol Symbol.ARRAY_START
static Symbol Symbol.BOOLEAN
static Symbol Symbol.BYTES
static Symbol Symbol.CONTINUE
static Symbol Symbol.DEFAULT_END_ACTION
static Symbol Symbol.DOUBLE
 Symbol Symbol.Repeater.end
static Symbol Symbol.END
static Symbol Symbol.ENUM
static Symbol Symbol.FIELD_ACTION
static Symbol Symbol.FIXED
static Symbol Symbol.FLOAT
static Symbol Symbol.INT
static Symbol Symbol.ITEM_END
static Symbol Symbol.LONG
static Symbol Symbol.MAP_END
static Symbol Symbol.MAP_KEY_MARKER
static Symbol Symbol.MAP_START
static Symbol Symbol.NULL
          The terminal symbols for the grammar.
 Symbol[] Symbol.production
          The production for this symbol.
 Symbol Symbol.ResolvingAction.reader
static Symbol Symbol.RECORD_END
static Symbol Symbol.RECORD_START
 Symbol Symbol.DefaultStartAction.root
protected  Symbol[] Parser.stack
static Symbol Symbol.STRING
 Symbol[] Symbol.Alternative.symbols
 Symbol Symbol.UnionAdjustAction.symToParse
 Symbol Symbol.SkipAction.symToSkip
static Symbol Symbol.UNION
static Symbol Symbol.UNION_END
 Symbol Symbol.ResolvingAction.writer

Methods in that return Symbol
 Symbol Parser.advance(Symbol input)
          Recursively replaces the symbol at the top of the stack with its production, until the top is a terminal.
 Symbol Parser.ActionHandler.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema schema)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol JsonGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema schema)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol JsonGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for grammar of the given schema sc.
 Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.
 Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema writer, Schema reader, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.
 Symbol Symbol.Sequence.get(int index)
 Symbol Symbol.Alternative.getSymbol(int index)
 Symbol Parser.popSymbol()
          Pops and returns the top symbol from the stack.
 Symbol Parser.topSymbol()
          Returns the top symbol from the stack.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Symbol
 Iterator<Symbol> Symbol.Sequence.iterator()

Methods in with parameters of type Symbol
 Symbol Parser.advance(Symbol input)
          Recursively replaces the symbol at the top of the stack with its production, until the top is a terminal.
 Symbol Parser.ActionHandler.doAction(Symbol input, Symbol top)
 void Parser.pushProduction(Symbol input, Symbol sym)
          Pushes the production for the given symbol sym.
 void Parser.pushSymbol(Symbol sym)
          Pushes sym on to the stack.
 void SkipParser.skipSymbol(Symbol symToSkip)
          Pushes the given symbol on to the skip and skips it.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Symbol
 Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol JsonGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for grammar of the given schema sc.
 Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema writer, Schema reader, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.

Constructors in with parameters of type Symbol
Parser(Symbol root, Parser.ActionHandler symbolHandler)
SkipParser(Symbol root, Parser.ActionHandler symbolHandler, SkipParser.SkipHandler skipHandler)
Symbol.DefaultStartAction(Symbol root, JsonNode defaultValue)
Symbol.SkipAction(Symbol symToSkip)
Symbol.UnionAdjustAction(int rindex, Symbol symToParse)
Symbol(Symbol.Kind kind, Symbol[] production)

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