Uses of Class

Packages that use Schema
org.apache.avro Avro kernel classes. 
org.apache.avro.file A container file for Avro data. 
org.apache.avro.generic A generic representation for Avro data. Input/output utilities. Implementation of Avro schemas as LL(1) grammars. 
org.apache.avro.ipc Support for inter-process calls. 
org.apache.avro.mapred Run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data, with map and reduce functions written in Java. 
org.apache.avro.reflect Use Java reflection to generate schemas and protocols for existing classes. 
org.apache.avro.specific Generate specific Java classes for schemas and protocols. 

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro

Fields in org.apache.avro declared as Schema
static Schema Protocol.SYSTEM_ERROR
          An error that can be thrown by any message.
static Schema Protocol.SYSTEM_ERRORS
          Union type for generating system errors.

Methods in org.apache.avro that return Schema
static Schema Schema.applyAliases(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Rewrite a writer's schema using the aliases from a reader's schema.
static Schema Schema.create(Schema.Type type)
          Create a schema for a primitive type.
static Schema Schema.createArray(Schema elementType)
          Create an array schema.
static Schema Schema.createEnum(String name, String doc, String namespace, List<String> values)
          Create an enum schema.
static Schema Schema.createFixed(String name, String doc, String space, int size)
          Create a union schema.
static Schema Schema.createMap(Schema valueType)
          Create a map schema.
static Schema Schema.createRecord(List<Schema.Field> fields)
          Create an anonymous record schema.
static Schema Schema.createRecord(String name, String doc, String namespace, boolean isError)
          Create a named record schema.
static Schema Schema.createUnion(List<Schema> types)
          Create a union schema.
 Schema Schema.getElementType()
          If this is an array, returns its element type.
 Schema Protocol.Message.getErrors()
          Errors that might be thrown.
 Schema Protocol.Message.getRequest()
          The parameters of this message.
 Schema Protocol.Message.getResponse()
          The returned data.
 Schema Protocol.getType(String name)
          Returns the named type.
 Schema Schema.getValueType()
          If this is a map, returns its value type.
static Schema Schema.parse(File file)
          Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema file file.
static Schema Schema.parse(InputStream in)
          Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema stream in.
static Schema Schema.parse(String jsonSchema)
          Construct a schema from JSON text.
 Schema Schema.Field.schema()
          This field's Schema.

Methods in org.apache.avro that return types with arguments of type Schema
 List<Schema> Schema.getTypes()
          If this is a union, returns its types.
 Collection<Schema> Protocol.getTypes()
          The types of this protocol.

Methods in org.apache.avro with parameters of type Schema
static Schema Schema.applyAliases(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Rewrite a writer's schema using the aliases from a reader's schema.
static Schema Schema.createArray(Schema elementType)
          Create an array schema.
static Schema Schema.createMap(Schema valueType)
          Create a map schema.
 Protocol.Message Protocol.createMessage(String name, String doc, Schema request)
          Create a one-way message.
 Protocol.Message Protocol.createMessage(String name, String doc, Schema request, Schema response, Schema errors)
          Create a two-way message.

Method parameters in org.apache.avro with type arguments of type Schema
static Schema Schema.createUnion(List<Schema> types)
          Create a union schema.
 void Protocol.setTypes(Collection<Schema> newTypes)
          Set the types of this protocol.

Constructors in org.apache.avro with parameters of type Schema
Schema.Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc, JsonNode defaultValue)
Schema.Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc, JsonNode defaultValue, Schema.Field.Order order)

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.file

Methods in org.apache.avro.file that return Schema
 Schema DataFileStream.getSchema()
          Return the schema used in this file.
 Schema FileReader.getSchema()
          Return the schema for data in this file.

Methods in org.apache.avro.file with parameters of type Schema
 DataFileWriter<D> DataFileWriter.create(Schema schema, File file)
          Open a new file for data matching a schema.
 DataFileWriter<D> DataFileWriter.create(Schema schema, OutputStream outs)
          Open a new file for data matching a schema.

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.generic

Methods in org.apache.avro.generic that return Schema
protected  Schema GenericData.getRecordSchema(Object record)
          Called to obtain the schema of a record.
 Schema GenericData.Record.getSchema()
 Schema GenericData.Array.getSchema()
 Schema GenericContainer.getSchema()
          The schema of this instance.
 Schema GenericData.induce(Object datum)
          Create a schema given an example datum.

Methods in org.apache.avro.generic with parameters of type Schema
 int o1, Object o2, Schema s)
          Compare objects according to their schema.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.createEnum(String symbol, Schema schema)
          Called to create an enum value.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.createFixed(Object old, byte[] bytes, Schema schema)
          Called to create an fixed value.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.createFixed(Object old, Schema schema)
          Called to create an fixed value.
 int GenericData.hashCode(Object o, Schema s)
          Compute a hash code according to a schema, consistent with,Object,Schema).
protected  int GenericData.hashCodeAdd(int hashCode, Object o, Schema s)
          Add the hash code for an object into an accumulated hash code.
protected  boolean GenericData.instanceOf(Schema schema, Object datum)
          Called by GenericData.resolveUnion(Schema,Object).
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.newArray(Object old, int size, Schema schema)
          Called to create new array instances.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.newRecord(Object old, Schema schema)
          Called to create new record instances.
protected  Object old, Schema expected, ResolvingDecoder in)
          Called to read data.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readArray(Object old, Schema expected, ResolvingDecoder in)
          Called to read an array instance.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readEnum(Schema expected, Decoder in)
          Called to read an enum value.
 Exception GenericRequestor.readError(Schema schema, Decoder in)
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readFixed(Object old, Schema expected, Decoder in)
          Called to read a fixed value.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readInt(Object old, Schema expected, Decoder in)
          Called to read integers.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readMap(Object old, Schema expected, ResolvingDecoder in)
          Called to read a map instance.
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readRecord(Object old, Schema expected, ResolvingDecoder in)
          Called to read a record instance.
 Object GenericResponder.readRequest(Schema schema, Decoder in)
 Object GenericRequestor.readResponse(Schema schema, Decoder in)
protected  Object GenericDatumReader.readString(Object old, Schema expected, Decoder in)
          Called to read strings.
 int GenericData.resolveUnion(Schema union, Object datum)
          Return the index for a datum within a union.
 void GenericDatumReader.setExpected(Schema reader)
          Set the reader's schema.
 void GenericDatumReader.setSchema(Schema writer)
 void GenericDatumWriter.setSchema(Schema root)
static void GenericDatumReader.skip(Schema schema, Decoder in)
          Skip an instance of a schema.
 boolean GenericData.validate(Schema schema, Object datum)
          Returns true if a Java datum matches a schema.
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.write(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write data.
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeArray(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write a array.
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeEnum(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write an enum value.
 void GenericResponder.writeError(Schema schema, Object error, Encoder out)
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeFixed(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write a fixed value.
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeMap(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write a map.
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeRecord(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write a record.
 void GenericRequestor.writeRequest(Schema schema, Object request, Encoder out)
 void GenericResponder.writeResponse(Schema schema, Object response, Encoder out)
protected  void GenericDatumWriter.writeString(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
          Called to write a string.

Constructors in org.apache.avro.generic with parameters of type Schema
GenericData.Array(int capacity, Schema schema)
GenericData.Fixed(Schema schema)
GenericData.Record(Schema schema)
GenericDatumReader(Schema schema)
          Construct where the writer's and reader's schemas are the same.
GenericDatumReader(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Construct given writer's and reader's schema.
GenericDatumWriter(Schema root)
GenericDatumWriter(Schema root, GenericData data)

Uses of Schema in

Methods in with parameters of type Schema
static int[] b1, int s1, byte[] b2, int s2, Schema schema)
          Compare binary encoded data.
static int BinaryData.hashCode(byte[] bytes, int start, int length, Schema schema)
          Hash binary encoded data.
static Object ResolvingDecoder.resolve(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Produces an opaque resolver that can be used to construct a new ResolvingDecoder.ResolvingDecoder(Object, Decoder).
 void DatumWriter.setSchema(Schema schema)
          Set the schema.
 void DatumReader.setSchema(Schema schema)
          Set the writer's schema.

Constructors in with parameters of type Schema
JsonDecoder(Schema schema, InputStream in)
          Creates a new JsonDecoder based on an InputStream.
JsonDecoder(Schema schema, String in)
          Creates a new JsonDecoder based on a String input.
JsonEncoder(Schema sc, JsonGenerator out)
JsonEncoder(Schema sc, OutputStream out)
ResolvingDecoder(Schema writer, Schema reader, Decoder in)
ValidatingDecoder(Schema schema, Decoder in)
ValidatingEncoder(Schema schema, Encoder in)

Uses of Schema in

Methods in with parameters of type Schema
 Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema schema)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol JsonGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema schema)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol ValidatingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for the grammar for the given schema sc.
 Symbol JsonGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema sc, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Returns the non-terminal that is the start symbol for grammar of the given schema sc.
 Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.
 Symbol ResolvingGrammarGenerator.generate(Schema writer, Schema reader, Map<,Symbol> seen)
          Resolves the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader and returns the start symbol for the grammar generated.

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.ipc

Methods in org.apache.avro.ipc with parameters of type Schema
abstract  Exception Requestor.readError(Schema schema, Decoder in)
          Reads an error message.
abstract  Object Responder.readRequest(Schema schema, Decoder in)
          Reads a request message.
abstract  Object Requestor.readResponse(Schema schema, Decoder in)
          Reads a response message.
abstract  void Responder.writeError(Schema schema, Object error, Encoder out)
          Writes an error message.
abstract  void Requestor.writeRequest(Schema schema, Object request, Encoder out)
          Writes a request message.
abstract  void Responder.writeResponse(Schema schema, Object response, Encoder out)
          Writes a response message.

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.mapred

Methods in org.apache.avro.mapred that return Schema
static Schema AvroJob.getInputSchema(Configuration job)
          Return a job's map input schema.
static Schema Pair.getKeySchema(Schema pair)
          Return a pair's key schema.
static Schema AvroJob.getMapOutputSchema(Configuration job)
          Return a job's map output key schema.
static Schema AvroJob.getOutputSchema(Configuration job)
          Return a job's output key schema.
static Schema Pair.getPairSchema(Schema key, Schema value)
          Get a pair schema.
 Schema Pair.getSchema()
 Schema SequenceFileReader.getSchema()
static Schema Pair.getValueSchema(Schema pair)
          Return a pair's value schema.

Methods in org.apache.avro.mapred with parameters of type Schema
static Schema Pair.getKeySchema(Schema pair)
          Return a pair's key schema.
static Schema Pair.getPairSchema(Schema key, Schema value)
          Get a pair schema.
static Schema Pair.getValueSchema(Schema pair)
          Return a pair's value schema.
static void AvroJob.setInputSchema(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job, Schema s)
          Configure a job's map input schema.
static void AvroJob.setMapOutputSchema(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job, Schema s)
          Configure a job's map output schema.
static void AvroJob.setOutputSchema(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job, Schema s)
          Configure a job's output schema.

Constructors in org.apache.avro.mapred with parameters of type Schema
Pair(K key, Schema keySchema, V value, Schema valueSchema)
Pair(Schema schema)

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.reflect

Methods in org.apache.avro.reflect that return Schema
protected  Schema ReflectData.createFieldSchema(Field field, Map<String,Schema> names)
          Create a schema for a field.
protected  Schema ReflectData.AllowNull.createFieldSchema(Field field, Map<String,Schema> names)
protected  Schema ReflectData.createSchema(Type type, Map<String,Schema> names)
protected  Schema ReflectData.getRecordSchema(Object record)
static Schema ReflectData.makeNullable(Schema schema)
          Create and return a union of the null schema and the provided schema.

Methods in org.apache.avro.reflect with parameters of type Schema
 int o1, Object o2, Schema s)
 Class ReflectData.getClass(Schema schema)
protected  DatumReader<Object> ReflectResponder.getDatumReader(Schema schema)
protected  DatumReader<Object> ReflectRequestor.getDatumReader(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> ReflectResponder.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> ReflectRequestor.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
static Schema ReflectData.makeNullable(Schema schema)
          Create and return a union of the null schema and the provided schema.
protected  Object ReflectDatumReader.newArray(Object old, int size, Schema schema)
protected  Object ReflectDatumReader.readInt(Object old, Schema expected, Decoder in)
protected  Object ReflectDatumReader.readString(Object old, Schema s, Decoder in)
 boolean ReflectData.validate(Schema schema, Object datum)
protected  void ReflectDatumWriter.write(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
 void ReflectResponder.writeError(Schema schema, Object error, Encoder out)
protected  void ReflectDatumWriter.writeString(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)

Method parameters in org.apache.avro.reflect with type arguments of type Schema
protected  Schema ReflectData.createFieldSchema(Field field, Map<String,Schema> names)
          Create a schema for a field.
protected  Schema ReflectData.AllowNull.createFieldSchema(Field field, Map<String,Schema> names)
protected  Schema ReflectData.createSchema(Type type, Map<String,Schema> names)

Constructors in org.apache.avro.reflect with parameters of type Schema
ReflectDatumReader(Schema root)
ReflectDatumWriter(Schema root)
ReflectDatumWriter(Schema root, ReflectData reflectData)

Uses of Schema in org.apache.avro.specific

Methods in org.apache.avro.specific that return Schema
protected  Schema SpecificData.createSchema(Type type, Map<String,Schema> names)
          Create the schema for a Java type.
abstract  Schema SpecificExceptionBase.getSchema()
abstract  Schema SpecificRecordBase.getSchema()
 Schema SpecificData.getSchema(Type type)
          Find the schema for a Java type.

Methods in org.apache.avro.specific with parameters of type Schema
 int o1, Object o2, Schema s)
protected  Object SpecificDatumReader.createEnum(String symbol, Schema schema)
protected  Object SpecificDatumReader.createFixed(Object old, Schema schema)
 Class SpecificData.getClass(Schema schema)
          Return the class that implements a schema, or null if none exists.
 String SpecificData.getClassName(Schema schema)
          Returns the Java class name indicated by a schema's name and namespace.
protected  DatumReader<Object> SpecificRequestor.getDatumReader(Schema schema)
protected  DatumReader<Object> SpecificResponder.getDatumReader(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> SpecificRequestor.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
protected  DatumWriter<Object> SpecificResponder.getDatumWriter(Schema schema)
protected static Object SpecificDatumReader.newInstance(Class c, Schema s)
          Create an instance of a class.
protected  Object SpecificDatumReader.newRecord(Object old, Schema schema)
 Exception SpecificRequestor.readError(Schema schema, Decoder in)
 Object SpecificResponder.readRequest(Schema schema, Decoder in)
 Object SpecificRequestor.readResponse(Schema schema, Decoder in)
protected  void SpecificDatumWriter.writeEnum(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out)
 void SpecificResponder.writeError(Schema schema, Object error, Encoder out)
 void SpecificRequestor.writeRequest(Schema schema, Object request, Encoder out)
 void SpecificResponder.writeResponse(Schema schema, Object response, Encoder out)

Method parameters in org.apache.avro.specific with type arguments of type Schema
protected  Schema SpecificData.createSchema(Type type, Map<String,Schema> names)
          Create the schema for a Java type.

Constructors in org.apache.avro.specific with parameters of type Schema
SpecificCompiler(Schema schema)
SpecificDatumReader(Schema schema)
          Construct where the writer's and reader's schemas are the same.
SpecificDatumReader(Schema writer, Schema reader)
          Construct given writer's and reader's schema.
SpecificDatumWriter(Schema schema)
SpecificDatumWriter(Schema root, SpecificData specificData)

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