Uses of Class

Packages that use AvroWrapper
org.apache.avro.mapred Run Hadoop MapReduce jobs over Avro data, with map and reduce functions written in Java. 

Uses of AvroWrapper in org.apache.avro.mapred

Subclasses of AvroWrapper in org.apache.avro.mapred
 class AvroKey<T>
          The wrapper of keys for jobs configured with AvroJob .
 class AvroValue<T>
          The wrapper of values for jobs configured with AvroJob .

Methods in org.apache.avro.mapred that return AvroWrapper
 AvroWrapper<T> AvroRecordReader.createKey()

Methods in org.apache.avro.mapred that return types with arguments of type AvroWrapper
 Deserializer<AvroWrapper<T>> AvroSerialization.getDeserializer(Class<AvroWrapper<T>> c)
          Returns the specified map output deserializer.
 RecordReader<AvroWrapper<T>,NullWritable> AvroInputFormat.getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter)
 RecordReader<AvroWrapper<Pair<K,V>>,NullWritable> SequenceFileInputFormat.getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter)
 RecordReader<AvroWrapper<Utf8>,NullWritable> AvroUtf8InputFormat.getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter)
 RecordWriter<AvroWrapper<T>,NullWritable> AvroOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(FileSystem ignore, JobConf job, String name, Progressable prog)
 Serializer<AvroWrapper<T>> AvroSerialization.getSerializer(Class<AvroWrapper<T>> c)
          Returns the specified output serializer.

Methods in org.apache.avro.mapred with parameters of type AvroWrapper
 int<T> x, AvroWrapper<T> y)
 int<T> x, AvroWrapper<T> y)
 boolean<T> wrapper, NullWritable ignore)

Method parameters in org.apache.avro.mapred with type arguments of type AvroWrapper
 Deserializer<AvroWrapper<T>> AvroSerialization.getDeserializer(Class<AvroWrapper<T>> c)
          Returns the specified map output deserializer.
 Serializer<AvroWrapper<T>> AvroSerialization.getSerializer(Class<AvroWrapper<T>> c)
          Returns the specified output serializer.

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